What Makes Us Different
When looking into buying a new bouncy castle there are lots of manufacturers to choose from and it can be really daunting to know who to choose.
Every manufacturer has different benefit some do printed artwork others do painted artwork, some even do both. There are big differences in price and this is down to lots of different reasons and is no different to any other industry you will always have the lower priced items and higher end prices.
At Premier Inflate we try and aim for the middle market we offer attractive prices and great value for money with our products. Were health and safety conscious and always looking at ways we can improve our products and from our recent blog post you will see that we recently added back wall netting to all our castles and now have fully attached rain cover which stops the users from being able to climb on the walls which is a great safety feature.
We also have webbing on all our bouncy castle beds to make them more robust.
We also pride ourselves on being a very customer focused company we always want to make sure the customer is happy with their order and continue to build relationships with many of our customers after the order to answer any questions they may have and help them as much as possible.
These are our main points of focus with our company 🙂
Premier Inflate Team
Posted by devadmin
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.