Premier Inflate – February Offer
Throughout February Premier Inflate will be running the same offer we ran throughout January as it was so popular – so this means we are still offering a free Pipa test with every bouncy castle.
Gloss Material Bouncy Castles / Inflatables…
The Premier Inflate team have noticed that more and more glossy material Bouncy Castles and Inflatables are becoming popular again.
INPAS 2019
On the 27th and 28th January Premier Inflate exhibited at the INPAS Show in Liverpool, which is the first time we have exhibited before. Although the attendance of people who came was very low in comparison to other years, which was slightly disappointing for our first show, it was also great to meet lots of… Continue reading INPAS 2019
Height of Bouncy Castle Walls
All users of bouncy castles should not be taller than the inside walls from the bouncy bed and this is for health and safety purposes so every bouncy castle owner should be fully aware of this and also advising customers of this when hiring it out. Generally we advise customers to have a disclaimer highlighting… Continue reading Height of Bouncy Castle Walls
Quicker Deflation on Bouncy Castles
We often discuss with our potential or current customers deflation times on bouncy castles, it actually doesn’t take too long to deflate standard size bouncy castles we have a video on our YouTube channel which shows how to inflate and deflate, see the link below:- For larger inflatables and bouncy castles, or if you just… Continue reading Quicker Deflation on Bouncy Castles
The Importance of Inflatable Safety Testing
Bouncy castles and inflatables need to be safe to use. With incidents having occurred in the past, there are strict regulations for ensuring the safety of inflatables. Any new inflatable should have an initial test to confirm it complies with BS EN 14960. Every 12 months a bouncy castle or inflatable will need to be… Continue reading The Importance of Inflatable Safety Testing
Happy New Year from Premier Inflate
We hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year and enjoyed a well earnt break! To get 2019 kick started Premier Inflate are putting on an offer throughout all of January. January’s offer will be a FREE Pipa test on every bouncy castle this also gives you piece of mind that your castle is… Continue reading Happy New Year from Premier Inflate
Approaching the end of another busy year!
As we are approaching the end of the year the Premier Inflate Team have been reflecting on the best change we have made throughout 2018!
Premier Inflate Feedback Questionnaires & Testimonials
At Premier Inflate we pride ourselves on producing a top quality bouncy castle/Inflatable and our customer service, however, we are always striving for improvement and find customer feedback invaluable to learn what our customers think could be done to make things easier/better. That’s why after every order has been received we email out our feedback… Continue reading Premier Inflate Feedback Questionnaires & Testimonials
Velcro Bouncy Castles
Velcro Bouncy castles are a great way to have lots of different themed bouncy castles without the cost of buying a brand new bouncy castle every time you want a new theme.
How Heavy is a Bouncy Castle?
We get lots of people asking how heavy a bouncy castle is. This is generally so they have a clearer idea of how the resources they’ll need to transport, set up and dismantle. There is, however, no definitive answer to this, what with sizes, the type of inflatable and so on to consider, but we’re… Continue reading How Heavy is a Bouncy Castle?
Time to deal with those pesky repairs!
As the quieter time of year is approaching (although if you see a previous blog post we give examples of how to make this time as busy for you as possible) its a great time of year to deal with any repairs that need to be done to your inflatables.
Christmas Inflatables
That's right - I said Christmas! You can never be too early to get in ready for Christmas events and lets be fair there is always lots of them.
How much to charge for Bouncy Castle Hires
We often get asked how much to charge for hires, especially when someone is new to the industry and buying their first Bouncy Castles.
The colder weather is coming…
Its getting to that time of year again when the rain and colder weather is setting in. At this time of year we would definitely recommend making sure you have a 4 post bouncy castle that's suitable for indoor use and isn't going to have height restrictions.
Printed Artwork for Inflatables
Premier Inflate are now offering printed artwork as well as painted artwork on all inflatables and velcro artwork sets.
How to Start a Bouncy Castle Hire Business
Hiring out bouncy castles can be run alongside your full time job, children, other commitments. It’s really flexible just set up an email account and a professional voicemail (in case you can’t answer calls) and you respond to enquiries as and when you can on your lunch break, in the evenings, when the kids are at school or sleeping.
Top 5 Popular Bouncy Castle Add on Products
When parents are planning a children’s bouncy castle party, there can be questions of what the kids will do when you get them there.
New Bouncy Castle Designs
Quite often people think that what's shown on our website is all we can do however this is not the case we can also make completely bespoke inflatables or different artwork designs.
Bouncy Castles for Winter & Spring
At this time of year it can be really difficult with the weather one minute the sun is shining the next its non stop rain, wind and some times even snow!
Bouncy Castle Package Options
Premier Inflate have a wide range of package options for sale which can be perfect for start up companies or existing hirers as they come fully included with everything you need and also offer a discounted price to ordering the items separately.
What Makes Us Different
When looking into buying a new bouncy castle there are lots of manufacturers to choose from and it can be really daunting to know who to choose.
Most Popular Bouncy Castles
If your new to the industry or looking to join the industry you might be wondering what the most popular bouncy castles are, which ones to start with, which ones are the best earners etc?
New Bouncy Castle Design
In 2016 Premier Inflate brought out our new design bouncy castles which have become so popular with our customers.
In 2017 Premier Inflate are holding another competition to win a free bouncy castle which is available for anyone who places an order from us.
Ed Sheeran – Shape of you
Who has watched Ed Sheeran's video for Shape of You? I know were all busy and do not get much time to watch TV right?
Summer is fast approaching – Are you ready?
I know we are still in February and summer still feels so far away however you will find that bouncy castle hires are going to start increasing significantly as soon as spring hits (some lucky hirers stay just as busy through winter with indoor hires) so it may be more prudent to start ordering new castles and replenishing/repairing stock now so you can get your bookings ready for Spring.